Southwest Greens Ohio Apply First Name* Last Name* City State Email* Phone*Date You Can Start* MM slash DD slash YYYY Desired Wage Per Hour*Position Applying For*Crew LeaderAssistant crew leaderEntry crewAre you legal to work in the United States?*–YesNoDo you have a valid driver’s license?*–YesNoWhat languages do you speak?*–English OnlySpanish OnlyEnglish and SpanishHow many years of synthetic turf experience?*–01 year2-3 years5+ yearsAre you able to travel?*–YesNoDo you have hardscape experience?*–YesNoDo you have landscape experience?*–YesNoDo you have gravel experience?*–YesNoAre you able to lift over 50 lbs?*–YesNoDo you have any skills that would make you a good applicant?–YesNoAdditional Skills*Attach resume if availableAccepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 256 MB.Any additional information you wish to provide